Film making in California has always been a tradition since the art form developed in the beginning of the twentieth century. This was true whether it be the Santa Monica Mountains or the beautiful Pacific Ocean Coastline. And a favorite location has been the South Bay of Los Angeles.
So what is happening to the film industry in California?
It is a combination of State and local government regulations along with some local merchants and residents which is making it very difficult to film here. We have business taxes or no tax breaks along with no monetary incentives to film here. It is appropriately all about the bottom line, as it always is in business. With that said it is understandable why the film industry follows the lure of other states that want their business.
The Harbor Area of San Pedro and the rest of the South Bay are looking for ways to intise the film makers into wanting to film our towns. Think about it, it is more cost effective to move all the filming gear and personnel to another state rather than film in our area.
Examples of this is in Redondo to get a permit for filming takes about seven working days as the application has to go through six different departments. The city is working at streamlining the process so it will only take half the time. San Pedro, an advisory panel is being formed. They hope to ease the friction between shop owners and film crews and make it a worthwhile endeavor for all. Torrance is known to be film friendly just as it is with all businesses.
It has not always been this way lets look and just a sampling of TV and big screen films that were shot here in our South Bay Communities.
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